🎮 Start with WHY

Driven by insights from Simon Sinek's "Start with WHY", the article underscores the importance of game studios identifying their core purpose or 'WHY'. Using examples like Apple, Supercell, and Nintendo, it demonstrates that having a clear 'WHY' fosters customer loyalty and consistent success. In contrast, studios without a defined purpose face unpredictable outcomes. The article concludes by emphasizing the significance of aligning personal values with professional goals in the gaming industry.

🎮 Start with WHY
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The Purpose Behind Gaming: Understanding Your "WHY"

Unearthing Your Enthusiasm

Life can often blur into monotonous routines, making us lose sight of our passion and purpose.
Ever wondered what drives you to step out of bed every day? Or why you should align your ambitions with companies and projects that reflect your values?
Enter Simon Sinek’s insightful best-seller, “Start with WHY.”
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Sinek delves deep into the world of leadership and organizational behavior, elucidating how certain companies evoke a sense of inspiration within us. At first glance, his ideas may seem rudimentary, but they carry a profound resonance.
His primary assertion? Discover your WHY.
This is the essence of our endeavors, be it personal or within corporations. When individuals have a profound purpose, their passion ignites, leading to innovation, trust, and risk-taking, all essential elements in creating exceptional products.
Sadly, many organizations (and individuals) begin with the WHAT of their operations, overlooking the crucial WHY behind them.
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So, what fuels your daily endeavors, beyond the mere mechanics of it?
Sinek advocates for a holistic approach, encompassing the golden circle of WHY, HOW, and WHAT:
  • WHY: Your core beliefs, purpose, and values.
  • HOW: The methods through which your WHY takes tangible form.
  • WHAT: The tangible outcomes or products.
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Let's decode this with Apple's example:
WHY: Apple values innovative thinking and challenging the norm. HOW: They design aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly products. WHAT: They excel in crafting exceptional computers.
Apple's foundational WHY isn't merely computer production. Embracing a strong WHY ensures:
  1. Brand expansion beyond a specific niche, allowing diversification.
  1. Cultivation of a devoted customer base that identifies with the brand's core values, ensuring longevity and consistent success.
Now, let's transpose this understanding to the realm of game development.

The Power of Purpose in Game Studios

Studios underpinned by a clear vision are attractive workplaces. A lack of understanding about a studio's aspirations often leads to erratic project management, creating a sense of chaos.
While studios without a concrete WHY might occasionally produce hit games, they face challenges in cultivating player loyalty and retaining motivated staff.
Let's dissect some game studios based on their WHY:

Clarity in Purpose: The Winning Studios


WHY: Building top-notch games is a result of empowering the best teams. HOW: They decentralize decision-making, giving teams full authority over their projects. WHAT: They create groundbreaking mobile games.


WHY: Their aim is to spread joy. HOW: Their game designs prioritize surprise and collective enjoyment. WHAT: They predominantly produce casual games.


WHY: They're on a mission to redefine the traditional gaming studio model. HOW: They gamble on unconventional opportunities and ensure a conducive environment for developers. WHAT: They're a game publisher.

Blizzard Entertainment

WHY: They are committed to delivering unparalleled epic experiences. HOW: Their unwavering dedication to quality ensures every game is meticulously crafted. WHAT: They specialize in immersive PC games.

Studios Searching for Their "WHY"

Ludeon Studios

While they highlight their affinity for deep PC games, their overarching purpose remains elusive.

Frost Giants Studios

Their clear inclination towards real-time strategy games is evident, but the underlying WHY is missing.


Their intent to engage their global player community is too broad and generic, lacking a unique identifier.

Riot games

Despite the immense success of League of Legends, their foundational purpose is unclear.

Crafting Your Game Plan

To conclude:
  • Reflect upon your intrinsic values and beliefs.
  • Evaluate if your current studio's ethos aligns with yours.
  • Aspiring studio creators should focus on a broader vision, not limiting themselves to a single game's success or failure. This long-term vision cultivates trust and loyalty among both players and team members.

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Written by

Camille Houssais
Camille Houssais

CEO & Co-founder of Scrambl.io.